“Work at WID is a professional achievement for me because since I moved to USA from Brazil, I always wanted to do the same work I was doing there, to do what I really like to do, to help people. To make a difference in the lives of people who need support and at WID I accomplished that. When I tell my friends or family that I am working at the WID, everybody congratulates me because they know how serious the agency is about providing and developing quality and worthy work for survivors of domestic violence. WID has a very friendly environment, the leadership always encourages us to keep learning and providing ethical and respectable work.” — Eloisa A., Court Advocate
“Working at WID the last two years, in sum, has been both rewarding and stimulating. I monitor the 24/7 statewide crisis line, wherein each survivor’s call I handle and each situation I work to resolve is unique and thought-provoking. When challenges routinely arise, I appreciate that I am permitted the freedom to be self-reliant and solve problems utilizing my discretion. Furthermore, I appreciate the trust bestowed upon me by management to train and mentor new and existing employees on various platforms. This has allowed me to continue to develop professionally and to form good relationships among my team members through steady communication. It is refreshing to work with a group of like-minded individuals who hold the same drive and compassion for survivors as I do. In addition to my colleagues, it should be noted that, since my first day on the job, the upper management team has always been approachable and accessible for questions and concerns when needed. I truly appreciate the support and growth I have experienced with WID over the years. With the company’s endless offerings of learning opportunities and areas for growth, I remain confident to handle all issues that might arise in this ever-changing field and that I will continue to prosper with WID as it continues to progress.” — Kristie D., Crisis Hotline (Statewide)
“I love working for WID. It’s amazing when you work for an organization that aids survivors and their families of domestic violence, that there is a sense of calmness at the agency. Doing this type of work can be a strain on you mentally, spiritually, and sometimes physically, but when you hear from a survivor how grateful they are for your help, the efforts made are worth the strain. I find it rewarding when walking from one building to another with a smile and saying good morning to someone and they tell you “Great Job” for no reason other than because you showed up that morning and were dedicated to making a difference in someone’s life that you may never hear a thank you from. Working at WID has developed me professionally and personally greatly. At my previous employer, I worked on a lower level doing the same thing, but WID saw my potential and knew my work and expertise should be held to a higher standard. Challenging me to help with standard practices and some restructuring in the department I serve. Because I do not directly serve the participants, training, and other types of activities on domestic violence have educated me when speaking with friends and sources in the community. I feel very proud to let others know who we serve and how impactful WID is in the community. WID provides an essential need to the community. Not only to those who we serve but creating a safe space and exhibiting to other organizations and resources to aid in helping rebuild families.” — Kanishia H., Database Administrator